“The Factum” is an audioinstallation created by Maria Nitulescu for the “Pietro Canonica” museum in Rome, featuring an audioinstallation on eight speakers, creating a complete sensoneurial experience involving noise, color and smell.

Daring House provided complete content and technical realization services, strictly cooperating with Nitulescu for the development of the artwork.

Inspired by the observations of the psychologist and philosopher Paul Watzlawick on the elements that influence our perception of reality, this is an exhibition not only to be seen but also to be experienced by all the senses. Nitulescu challenges and investigates the way in which the human psyche constructs reality using external senses. This raises questions about the role of perception and its power to shape reality. A sensorial dialogue arises between the many scented plaster casts of the artist’s own ear and the visitors’ interpretation of the space. The master perfumer, Geza Schön, created the earthy essence specifically for this exhibition.

The exhibition is promoted by Roma Culture and Soprintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, under the patronage of the Romanian Embassy in Italy, Accademia Angelico Costantiniana and Nicola Ghiuselev Foundation. It is generously supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Romanian Academy in Rome, Simply One Solution, Alan Advantage srl, a consulting firm offering strategic services for the adoption of AI technologies and innovative solutions, Signal srl, a Tuscan graphic design and advertising company, Copia Sprint 2, and Daring House for technical and musical production.



Museo Pietro Canonica in Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy

Opening hours

From May 5 to June 20, 2021
Tuesday to Sunday
May 10am-4pm
June 1-7 p.m.

Last admission half hour before closing